
Eric Quéméneur

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Mid-sized company


Open innovation


Researcher's interest in a few words:

Main field of activity

  • biologic model application/user.

Target organs

  • brain;
  • liver;
  • lung;
  • pancreas;
  • skin;
  • immune system;
  • lymph nod.

Main collaborations

Transgene is part of European network about multiphysiological system:

  • ITN projectEUROoCS: European organ-on-chip which is an anterdisciplinary training network for advancing organ-on-a-chip technology in Europe lead by the Fraunhofer Institute for interfacial engineering and biotechnology of Stuttgat;


Type/models systems

Organoids, spheroids, organ-on-a-chip & bioprinted tissues;

Physio-pathological models

Cancer & infectious disease;

Application areas

Drug discovery, clinical drug efficacy, medical treatments, physiological responses, toxicity, drug safety, toxicology testing & personalized medecine.


  1. cell biology, cell production, stem cells, iPSC & cell media;
  2. genetic technologies.

Main research or activities topics

Transgene is a French biotechnology focused on designing and developing targeted immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. Transgene develop promising drug candidates based on engineered viruses. Transgene carries on two major programs: technological program Invir.IO™ and personalized vaccine program myvac™. Invir.IO™ is dedicated to the design of the next generation of oncolytic viruses and myvac™ is an individualized MVA-based immunotherapy platform designed to integrate neoantigens. The company is based in Strasbourg and Lyon.



Boulevard Gonthier d’Andernach
Parc d’innovation
67405 Illkirch-Graffenstaden